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Workplace Mediation

My name is Alexa Young

We have a track record of success in mediation with people at all levels across multiple sectors. With a focus on practical and lasting change, our mediators work with the parties involved to prepare them for the mediation day and to coach them to support self-reflection and confidence building.


Delivered face to face or virtually, we pride ourselves in going the extra mile to ensure that when the two parties meet, the ground work has been done to make sure they are ready to make real progress.

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Beginning with a Client Briefing, we listen to your concerns and what you think it might be useful for us know.


The individual parties are then contacted and asked to complete Online Questionnaires setting out their views, needs and any concerns.


The Mediator leads a series of Individual Meetings with each party, giving them an opportunity to tell their story, how the relationship is impacting them, and what needs to be different. Over the course of two or three meetings, the Mediator will work with the parties to draft a 5 minute opening statement ahead of a joint meeting on the Mediation Day.


On the Mediation Day, further individual meetings take place to ensure that the parties are well prepared and confident. A joint meeting then takes place which begins with each party reading out their pre-prepared opening statements. The Mediator works with the parties to facilitate an open, solutions focussed dialogue.


The aim of the Mediation Day is to arrive at a Signed Agreement of how the paries will work together in the future. The focus here is on an agreement that makes genuine progress even if it does not solve every problem or concern that the parties have.


Review Meetings are held at three and six month points following the Mediation Day. The purpose of these review meetings is to fine tune the signed agreement and review progress.

“The Mediator was highly professional and made us all feel much less
nervous than we would otherwise have been ”
- Mediation party (NHS)


“Having the follow up meetings arranged at the same time as the
agreement was made helped. It made me feel like I wasn’t being left
- Mediation Party (Higher Education)

“A better outcome than we could have hoped for.” - Manager (Public


“I want you to know that whatever happens next, talking to you has made
a real difference in my life, not only because of the actions you recommended, but because you were
Warm and Empathetic and made me feel as if I mattered.”
Mediation party (Higher Education)

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